Friday, January 11, 2013


Dear America,
       Autism is NOT something that makes a person aggressive. These people are no different from you and I, they just learn differently. Infact, in my opinion autistic children and adults are some of the sweetest people in the world. The gunman from the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting had another mental disease that made him do what he did. It was not his Autism.
         You may be thinking, "who does this girl think she is! She doesn't know anything about Autism!" Well guess what, your VERY wrong. My brother is Autistic and believe me, he's the smartest boy I have ever met! He is a natural born artist. Not to mention he is amazing at creating sound effect by himself, he would be an absolutely amazing beat boxer. I'm not just saying this. It's the honest truth. He uses vocabulary that I would use and he's eight years old.
          So, America, do you believe me now? Some people with Autism work at NASA, in the governmet, and other large corporations. These people aren't different from you or me. So, dont treat them like they're lesser than you. Believe it or not, Albert Einstein was autistic and everybody looks up to him now, but when he was a kid he was bullied because he was different. So, the next time you go to pick on someone different then you, not just people with Autism, but anyone, just remember, They might be tommorow's Albert Einstein.

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